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mika takes photos of other things

besides munchkin  

(yes, it shocked munchkin too). 

no expensive cameras or photoshop,

just her phone. 

this is not a pretentious choice, rather

an indication of her inability to

concentrate long enough to learn 

editing and how the functions on the

fancy cameras work.

mika also has the odd random thought,

or several simultaneously.

sometimes she even writes them down.

here are some that were (semi-)coherent.  

© Copyright 2017

Disclaimer:  All images and text contained and appearing on this site are the intellectual property of mika jane. use and/or reproduction without express permission is strictly prohibited. this work is registered intellectual property.  violators will be prosecuted for trespass.  you may also be cursed depending on the mood on the day, the positioning of the moon and planetary alignment. you have been warned.  

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