Death, in Pieces
Some days I thought I had died
And, in a way, I guess I did
I didn't break all at once
I lost myself in tiny increments
so there was no identifiable void that I could fill
Nothing to aim for
No singular obtainable thing that,
once in my grasp, would bring relief
signifying I was whole
Discarded without direction
I simply ceased to exist
The death of innocence
What remained was a mangled corpse, reanimated
But it was all I could be
Learning to breathe, to somehow be alive,
was excruciating
My ability to feel had been expertly eviscerated
I hid in the comfort of numbness
and the dark
Imprisoned in sensory deprivation
I sat with it, the despair, and allowed its curious caress with palpable apathy
I was not my body
and my mind seemed an abstract concept, something divine, an entity of its own
Both intangible to me
I still can't pinpoint the place,
the thing,
the part
that held on
Anchoring me to misery
stopping me from exploring the abyss
Ironically, in letting go and surrendering so completely,
the darkness lost interest
An empty conquer
A hollow prize
It calls itself sadness now
and when it visits we sit in the silence together
Lamenting the lost years
The moments we will never have
After a while, a flicker appears
small and insignificant
I almost don't notice
It must have been here all along
One tiny piece they didn't find
The only thing they couldn't destroy
Every day we inch closer
It becomes more familiar
Bringing warmth to a cold existence
My body remains on the edge of numbness
A hair trigger switch
Whilst my mind pulls towards the endless darkness
with morbid curiosity
And I hold onto both with white knuckles